IBAN stands for the International Bank Account Number (IBAN). An IBAN is a unique number that is generated for each and every account held with Doha Bank. The IBAN will be 29 digits in length and will contain the following information; Country Code, Security Digits, Bank Identifier Code followed by your current Bank Account Number.
What is the benefit of IBAN?
The main benefit of IBAN is to facilitate the automatic processing of money transfers between countries that are IBAN compliant. Since banks are required to check the accuracy of the IBAN at the point of initiating a funds transfer, they can only make the funds transfer that carries the correct IBAN.
How will I get to know the IBAN for my account(s)
A: IBAN will be printed on your Statement of Account(s) that will be dispatched to you in December 2013 with a separate letter enclosed, however, if Customer do not receive the printed communication they can always obtain their IBAN through the following channels
(a)Online Banking
(b)Mobile Banking
(c)E-Statement / Statement of Account
(d)Generate IBAN through Doha Bank website