The DFSA is the independent regulator of financial services conducted in or from the DIFC, a purpose-built financial free zone in Dubai, UAE
The DFSA’s regulatory mandate includes asset management, banking and credit services, securities, collective investment funds, custody and trust services, commodities futures trading, Islamic finance, insurance, an international equities exchange, and an international commodities derivatives exchange.
In addition to regulating financial and ancillary services, the DFSA is responsible for supervising and enforcing anti-money laundering (AML) and counter-terrorist financing (CTF) requirements applicable in the DIFC.
The DFSA has also accepted a delegation of powers from the DIFC Registrar of Companies (RoC) to investigate the affairs of DIFC companies and partnerships where a material breach of DIFC Companies Law is suspected and to pursue enforcement remedies available to the Registrar.
United Arab Emirates, Dubai
Deutsche Bank AG Dubai (DIFC) Branch
Gate Village, Building 5, Level 6
Dubai International Financial Centre
P.O. Box 504902
Dubai, United Arab Emirates
Phone: +971 4 3611700
Fax: +971 4 4283998
Deutsche Securities and Services
MazeTower, 4th Floor, Office 401
Sheikh Zayed Road
P.O. Box 125126
Dubai, United Arab Emirates
Phone: +971 4 3199523
Fax: +971 4 3199515