KEB Hana Bank Digital Certificate

Hana Financial Group offers ample opportunities for all employees to realize their dreams and helps customer expand their assets and grow their businesses, building its presence as a financial institution that does its utmost to contribute to establishing a prosperous society and maximizing shareholder value.

Registration Certificate Guide

  • As per the government’s resident registration number collection and use minimization policy,
    a new certificate registration service that allows you to use your certificate without entering your resident registration
    number each time has been launched.
  • If you are using your certificate to log into the homepage, please register your certificate first.


  • If the registered certificate has been reissued, register it again before use.
  • Registered certificate can be used at desktop homepage and with Hana Card app for smartphones.
    Copy the registered certificate over to the smartphone before use.
  • If the registered certificate has been reissued, register it again before use.
    You cannot have a certificate issued from Hana Card’s homepage. Please use your bank’s or securities company’s