KEB Hana Bank Gurgaon

Hana Financial Group offers ample opportunities for all employees to realize their dreams and helps customer expand their assets and grow their businesses, building its presence as a financial institution that does its utmost to contribute to establishing a prosperous society and maximizing shareholder value.

Contact Us

Business hours

MON-SAT, 10:00 AM ~ 4:00 PM (2nd and 4th Saturday Holiday)

Tel. +91-12-4416-8230

Fax. +91-12-4410-6591

Email. [email protected]


Republic Day (26th, Jan) ★
Guru Ravidas Jaayanti (varies from year to year)
MahaShivratri (varies from year to year)
Holi (varies from year to year) ★
Annual closing of Bank Account (1st, May)
Dr.BR.Ambedkar (varies from year to year)
Mahavir Jayanti (varies from year to year)
Budh Purnima (varies from year to year)
Id-UI-Fitr (varies from year to year)
Id-ul-Zuha(Bakr-Id) (varies from year to year)
Independence Day (15th, Aug) ★
Janamashtmi (varies from year to year)
Mahatma Gandhi Jayanthi (2nd, Oct..) ★
Dussehra (varies from year to year)
Maharishi Valmiki Jayanti (varies from year to year)
Diwali (varies from year to year)
Guru Nanak Jayanti (varies from year to year)
Christmas (25th, Dec) ★

★ National holidays (the rest Gurugram holidays)