Bank of Baroda was one of the early movers in Public Sector Banks to have tapped the equity market in December 1996. Further the Bank has come out with a “Follow on Public Offer” in January 2006. The Bank has also issued equity shares to the Government of India on Preferential Basis in March 2011, March 2013, January 2014, March 2015, Sept. 2015, March 2018, June 2019 and December 2019 besides to LIC of India in March 2012, pursuant to SEBI (Issue of Capital and Disclosure Requirements) Regulations, 2009, as amended. The Bank has reduced the face value of its equity shares from Rs.10/- each to Rs.2/- each (Rupees TWO Only) by sub dividing ONE equity share in to FIVE w.e.f. 24th January 2015 (Record Date being 23rd January 2015).
Vijaya Bank and Dena Bank have been amalgamated with Bank of Baroda w.e.f. 01.04.2019 as per “Amalgamation of Vijaya Bank and Dena Bank with Bank of Baroda Scheme, 2019” notified by Government of India.
The Bank has also issued Equity Shares to eligible employees of the Bank under Bank of Baroda Employee Share Purchase Scheme 2019 in October 2019. The Bank has also issued equity shares to QIBs under QIP Issue in March 2021.
Out of the total paid up equity capital of 517,13,62,179 equity shares of Rs.2/- each fully paid as of 05.03.2021, Government of India holds 63.97% of total paid up equity of the Bank and Public Shareholding is at 36.03%, which is held by Retail Investors, Employees, Banks and Financial Institutions, FIIs and NRIs, Mutual Funds, Insurance Companies and Others.
Enhancing shareholders’ value is the prime objective of the Bank. Towards this end, it is our policy to share with the public, detailed information on Bank’s Structure, Strategy, Financials, Asset Quality and New Management Initiatives.