Why should finance come in the way of future? Getting an education loan is an easy way to finance your dreams. A student loan can help you get into the university of your choice. Bank of Baroda is here to finance your dreams, education & career goals.
Baroda Vidya
- A loan given out to parents of an Indian national/residing student for schooling at a recognized institute. This loans covers other expenses such as purchase of books and computer/laptop required for education.
- Loan Amount: Rs. 4 lakhs Know More Apply now
Baroda Gyan
- This education loan is specifically designed Indian students pursuing graduation, post-graduation, or any other professional courses in India. To avail this loan, the student should have secured admission in the course.
- Loan Amount: Maximum Rs. 125 lakhs
- Maximum Tenure: 10-15 years Know More Apply now
Baroda Scholar
- An education loan scheme given for MBA, MCA, MS, and other notified courses that help with job creation. To avail this education loan in India, the student must have secured admission to the notified institute and course.
- Loan Amount: Maximum Rs. 150 lakhs
- Maximum Tenure: 10-15 years Know More Apply now
Baroda Education Loan to Students of Premier Institutions
- This student education loan is given to Indian nationals who have secured admission into premier educational institutions in India. The loan amount depends on the categorization of the institute.
- Loan Amount: Up to Rs. 80 lakhs
- Maximum Tenure: 10-15 years Know More Apply Now
Skill Loan Scheme
- A loan designed for students pursuing technical courses. Any Indian national who has secured admission in a course run by Industrial Training Institutes or National Skill Qualification Framework., etc shall be covered by skill loan.
- Loan Amount: Rs. 1.50 lakhs
- Maximum Tenure: Up to 7 years Know More Apply now
Vidya Lakshmi Portal
- Vidya Lakshmi is a first of its kind portal for students seeking Education Loan. This portal has been developed under the guidance of Department of Financial Services Know More Apply Now