The company was registered in the Register of Entrepreneurs kept by the District Court for the capital city of Warsaw in Warsaw, 12th Commercial Division of the National Court Register, KRS number: 0000031121.
Fully paid in the amount of 16,692,912.00.
The sole shareholder of the Company is BNP Paribas Bank Polska SA with its registered office at ul. Kasprzaka 2, 01-211 Warsaw.
BNP Paribas TFI SA is part of the BNP Paribas Polska capital group which belongs to the international financial group BNP Paribas.
The company deals with the creation and management of investment funds and distributes them. The company conducts this activity under the authorization of the Polish Financial Supervision Authority (Decision of the Polish Financial Supervision Authority of June 16, 2010). The activities of the Company are subject to supervision by the Polish Financial Supervision Authority.
- Permission of the Polish Financial Supervision Authority to operate
- A copy of the company from the National Court Register
Other information about BNP Paribas TFI SA
- Until 20/05/2019, the Company operated under the name of Towarzystwo Funduszy Inwestycyjnych BGŻ BNP Paribas SA
- On March 29, 2019, the Company merged with RIVIERA TOWARZYSTWO FUNDUSZY INWESTYCYJNYCH SPÓŁKA AKCYJNA (formerly RAIFFEISEN TOWARZYSTWO FUNDUSZY INWESTYCYJNYCH SA) with its registered office in Warsaw, at the address: ul. Grzybowska 78, 00-844 Warszawa, entered into the register of entrepreneurs of the National Court Register kept by the District Court for the capital city of Warsaw in Warsaw, 12th Commercial Division of the National Court Register, KRS number: 0000588749, NIP: 7010523358 , REGON: 36310042400000, (hereinafter referred to as “RIVIERA TFI SA).
The merger took place on the basis of article 492 § 1 point 1 of the Commercial Companies Code by transferring to the Company all assets of RIVIERA TFI SA (merger by acquisition) on the date of entering the merger into the register of entrepreneurs of the National Court Register by the registry court competent according to the registered office of the CompanyAs a result of the merger on March 29, 2019:
- RIVIERA TFI SA was deleted by the registry court from the register of entrepreneurs of the National Court Register
- The company, in accordance with the provisions of Art. 494 § 1 of the Commercial Companies Code, it assumed all the rights and obligations of RIVIERA TFI SA, on the basis of universal succession, in particular, it took over the management of two funds :
- Raiffeisen Specialist Open-Ended Parasol Investment Fund, currently operating under the name of BNP Paribas PREMIUM SFIO
- FWR Selektywny Fundusz Inwestycyjny closed