Habib Bank Limited Karachi Contact Number

Overall, HBL has a domestic network of more than 1,500 branches, with an additional more than 70 outlets located in 25 countries including Oman, Bahrain, Belgium, France, Netherlands, Singapore, Turkey, UK and USA, and most recently in China.


You can reach out to our respective helplines for any queries or assistance:

General Helpline: 111-111-425
Remittance Helpline: 111-555-425
Konnect Helpline: 111-425-111
Prestige Banking Helpline: 111-666-425
Merchant Acquisition: 111-777-425
Ehsaas Kafaalat Program:111-000-425
Mera Pakistan Mera Ghar Helpline: 033-77-786-786

For Pakistan, HBL’s Outbound Caller ID is 14250