These committees have been established to oversee and implement the overall activities of the NBF group, in accordance with guidelines developed by the bank’s board of directors.
Management Committee (ManCom)
Steered by the Chief Executive Officer, the “ManCom” is tasked with the development, monitoring and execution of the group’s strategy as approved by the board of directors.
ManCom is also responsible for the implementation of corporate governance, performance measurement and monitoring, approving policies and decisions related to staff and any other administrative matters.
NBF’s ManCom comprises the following members:
- Vince Cook, Chief Executive Officer
- Adnan Anwar, Deputy Chief Executive Officer
- Stuart Wright – Acting Chief Risk Officer
- Balaji Krishnamurthy, Chief Operations Officer
- Abdulla Aleter, Head of Human Resources
- Sharif Mohd. Rafei, Head of Retail Banking
Risk Committee
Steered by the Chief Executive Officer, the Risk Committee is responsible for developing the group’s risk appetite and making the necessary risk recommendations to the board.
The committee also develops and reviews the group’s risk policies and Internal Capital Adequacy Assessment Process (ICAAP), recommending allocations of regulatory and economic capital to portfolio segments and business lines.
In addition, the committee approves scenarios for stress testing for all risk categories, and evaluates potential changes to market conditions.
The Risk Committee also reviews significant financial or other risks and the steps that NBF management has taken to monitor, control and report such risks, including, but without limitation to, review of credit, market, fiduciary, liquidity, reputation, operational, compliance, legal, fraud and strategic risks.
The committee obtains assurance that significant risks are being measured, monitored, evaluated and appropriately escalated through periodic updates, risk reporting and key risk indicator reviews conducted by the Asset & Liability, Central Credit, Operational Risk, Compliance and Product Committees.
NBF’s Risk Committee comprises the following members:
- Vince Cook, Chief Executive Officer – Chairman
- Adnan Anwar, Deputy Chief Executive Officer
- Stuart Wright – Acting Chief Risk Officer – Alternate Chairman
- Balaji Krishnamurthy, Chief Operations Officer
- Ivor John Dorkin, Head of Credit
Asset & Liability Committee
Headed by the Chief Financial Officer, the Asset & Liability Committee is responsible for directing asset and liability growth and allocations in order to achieve the group’s strategic goals.
It monitors the group’s liquidity and market risks and risk profile in the context of economic developments and market fluctuations. This ensures that NBF’s ongoing activities are compatible with the risk appetite approved by its board of directors.
The committee is also responsible for developing and establishing ALCO metrics and MIS for review, measurement, monitoring and control of all market and liquidity risks and stress testing.
NBF’s Asset & Liability Committee comprises the following members:
- Adnan Anwar, Deputy Chief Executive Officer – Chairman
- Stuart Wright – Acting Chief Risk Officer – Alternate Chairman
- Sharif Mohd. Rafei, Head of Retail Banking
- Ivor John Dorkin, Head of Credit
Central Credit Committee
Steered by the Head of Credit, the Central Credit Committee is responsible for credit decisions for the group’s lending portfolio, setting country and other high level group risk limits.
The committee oversees portfolio reviews with a particular focus on quality. It also deals with impaired assets and the grading of credit facilities.
The committee is also responsible for developing and establishing credit risk metrics and MIS for review, measurement, monitoring and control of all credit risks. In addition, it is also involved in stress testing of the group’s credit risk policies as well as the enhancement of its credit risk reporting and processing.
NBF’s Central Credit Committee comprises the following members:
- Ivor John Dorkin, Head of Credit – Chairman
- Stuart Wright – Acting Chief Risk Officer – Alternate Chairman
- Senior Manager/Executive – Credit
- Segment Head – Business
The authority to select and appoint permanent committee members rests with the Chief Executive Officer (CEO).
Compliance Committee
Steered by the Chief Risk Officer, the compliance committee is responsible for assessing compliance risks inherent in the businesses of the bank and its subsidiaries. The committee assists in defining the compliance risk appetite and policy of the bank.
The Compliance Committee comprises of the following members:
- Stuart Wright – Acting Chief Risk Officer – Chairman
- Head of Compliance – Alternative Chairman
- Balaji Krishnamurthy, Chief Operations Officer
- Sharif Mohd. Rafei, Head of Retail Banking
Product Committee
Steered by the Chief Risk Officer, the purpose of the Product Committee is to consider the approval of proposals for new products and materially changed products and to periodically review existing product performance.
The committee will provide direction towards the retirement of existing products that no longer meet the customer needs, financial requirements or strategic goals of the bank.
The Product Committee shall comprise of the following members:
- Adnan Anwar, Deputy Chief Executive Officer
- Stuart Wright – Acting Chief Risk Officer – Chairman
- Balaji Krishnamurthy, Chief Operations Officer –Alternate Chairman
- Sharif Mohd. Rafei, Head of Retail Banking
- Devid Jegerson, Head of Customer Experience and Platform Development
- Junaid Anwar Khan, Head of Treasury
- Ivor John Dorkin, Head of Credit
- Nabil Gebran Azar – Head of Legal
Operational Risk Committee
The purpose of the Committee is to ensure that the bank’s Operational Risks, including Information Security Risk and Business Continuity Risk are maintained within the banks risk appetite. The Committee with have oversight and the review of control improvement plans for various identified risks.
The Committee will drive understanding and improvement of the banks business continuity and disaster recovery efforts.
The Committee comprises of members from the following departments:
- Head of Operational Risk and Internal Control (Chairman)
- Head of Central Operations (Alternative Chairman)
- Corporate and Institutional Banking
- Retail Banking
- Trade Services
- Information Security
- Property & Services
- Reconciliations