Intesa Sanpaolo has communicated that Andrea Sironi has resigned, with effect from 28 February 2022, from the office of director, following the appointment by co-option as director of Assicurazioni Generali (where he will also be proposed as a presidential candidate in the list for the renewal of the BoD that will be presented by the outgoing board).
Andrea Sironi, the independent director, was a member of the Committee for Transactions with Related Parties and of the Remuneration Committee of Intesa Sanpaolo. The resigning director does not hold sharesIntesa Sanpaolo on the date of resignation.
The bank’s board of directors resolved not to proceed with the co-optation for the replacement of the outgoing director, taking into account the upcoming shareholders’ meeting, scheduled for April 29, for the renewal of the offices, and to appoint Maria Alessandra Stefanelli as a new member of the Remuneration Committee. On the other hand, the integration of the Committee for Transactions with Related Parties will not be carried out.