Bank Of China Limited Regulated

Bank of China Limited” is a joint-stock company established in accordance with the laws of the People’s Republic of China. It is one of the financial institutions under the unified regulatory management of the China Banking Regulatory Commission (CBRC).

Bank of China (Luxembourg) S.A. is a subsidiary established by Bank of China Limited in Luxembourg. The Grand Duchy of Luxembourg Financial Regulatory Commission (Address: 110 Route D’Arlon, L-2991 Luxembourg; Tel:+352 2625 1; Fax: +352 26 251 601) is the business license issuing and legal supervision authority for Bank of China (Luxembourg) S.A.

Bank of China (Luxembourg) S.A. Lisbon Branch – Sucursal em Portugal is a branch of Bank of China (Luxembourg) S.A. It is supervised by the Bank of Portugal and CMVM (Portugal).