The Bank offers a wide range of services to companies and individuals that include, but are not limited to, industry, trade, education, and services sector among others, as well as private banking and wealth management.
The eBOS Mobile Banking app is now available for use on iOS and Android devices. Click below to download. Click Here For More Information
After filling the application form which includes the Terms & Conditions, you should have it signed by authorized signatories and submit it to your nearest Bank of Sharjah branch for validation and verification.
The application form must be signed by authorized signatories who can delegate such powers e.g. owners, notarized POA holders and/or authorized personnel as per authenticated Articles/Memorandum of Association etc..
Within 3-4 days of submitting the form to the bank, a PIN mailer will be sent to your branch specifying the eBOS login information (i.e. username and password)