As a private bank , BSI was established in 1952 . with around 3000 active branches , BSI runs the largest banking network in Iran . In 2000 , BSI started offering electronic online services , and now pioneers in the number of online branches ATM . machines , and point of sale terminals with remarkable share of the market .
With close to 60 years of banking experience, a deep sense of commitment to its basic principle and a full implementation of usury-free Islamic banking, BSI, as a credible popular bank always attempts to maintain its top position among other rivals through following the lead in international banking and customer–oriented principles and offering quality banking services. In addition, BSI has a leading role in achieving customer satisfaction and developing the economy of our Islamic country.
From the very beginning, BSI endeavored to encourage innovation in banking services in line with its customer – oriented marketing strategy . The first BSI overseas branch was established in Hamburg, Germany in 1961, which was followed by opening of other overseas branches Including London , Frankfurt , paris , Athens , Ashkabad , Muscat , Qatar , (2 branches ), UAE ( 8 branches plus one Regional Office ) , Lebanon (5 branches plus one Regional Office ) . Now BSI has the full or partial ownership of 4subsidiaries and independent overseas bank including BSI , PLC in London .
The overall BSI banking units currently stands at 25 . Although ,our overseas branches are providing retail banking services, their core business remains to be Trade Finance. In 2013.03.20 , BSI has IRR 22,906,142 million ( $ 1,868 million ) as share capital. Its capital adequacy ratio and profit was 7.87% and IRR 4,992,689 million ( $ 407 million ) respectively . At present, the capital of bank Saderat Iran has increased to IRR 57800 billion (USD 4.7 billion)