Over the last 50 years, Guernsey has become recognised as a leading international finance centre, supporting the wide range of banking and investment companies based there. It has built a reputation for excellence in supporting many financial services sectors including fiduciaries, captive insurance and fund administration.
Fostering innovation
Guernsey has legal and fiscal independence, meaning the island can respond quickly to changing business needs. This has made it fertile ground for business innovation.
Guernsey registered the world’s first regulated green fund and is home to the first private equity fund to be managed and administrated by blockchain. It pioneers fintechs and other digital initiatives.
Stable government
Guernsey has a strong and democratic government that offers political and economic stability.
The Guernsey Banking Deposit Compensation Scheme and Guernsey Compensation of Investors Scheme gives savers and investors peace of mind.
Trust and transparency
Under the Guernsey Financial Services Commission, the island’s robust regulatory framework offers the highest standards.
Guernsey has also been rated amongst the top jurisdictions for anti-money laundering and combating terror financing.
Who we work with
We offer a range of services to retail and corporate customers, including:
- Personal banking customers, see personal banking
- Premier banking customers, see premier banking
- Associations, non-profits, SMEs and local corporates, see business banking
- Overseas corporates, fiduciaries, fund administrators, family office and captives, see overseas corporates and institutions.
Personal banking
Call us on +44 (0) 1481 811 911*
Premier Banking
Call us on +44 (0) 1481 811 911*
Business banking
Call us on +44 (0) 1481 705 600 *
Corporates and institutions
Call us on +44 (0) 1481 705 600 *
Captives: [email protected]
Family offices – request a call back
Fiduciaries – request a call back