BNP Paribas ESG

As the number of regulations, initiatives, coalitions, and commitments dedicated to sustainable finance grows, it is becoming more and more important to have meticulous methodologies and reporting on ESG criteria (environmental, social, governance).

To that end, 2022 has already seen the release of major reports detailing the Group’s actions to accelerate toward a more sustainable and inclusive world. We take a look back at these important documents.

The Climate and analytics alignment report

After presenting its 2025 Strategic plan in February, BNP Paribas today releases its first “Climate Analytics and Alignment Report”. Documented, quantified, and based on climate data from the International Energy Agency (IEA), this report will serve as a compass for aligning our portfolio toward a net-zero economy. What are BNP Paribas’ objectives? To reduce carbon emissions in three key sectors: power generation, oil & gas, and automotive.