If we are not able to meet your service expectations, you can select any of the below mentioned channels to log your Concern / Complaint
- Email Channel : Email to us on : [email protected]
- Online Channel: Log into Citibank Online, Click “Service Center”, Select “Write To Us”
- Phone Channel: Contact our 24 Hours Citiphone Customer Service : on +97 14 3114000 ; Citi Private Client/ Citigold +971 4 311 4653.
- Citi Commercial Bank: click here for further details
(for Companies / Entities only).
You would be provided with a complaint reference number within 48 hours and we will strive to resolve it within 4 working days. A response to your complaint will be sent to your registered email address or your Citibank Online Inbox
Do be patient in case complaint is related to partner offers, wealth management, credit bureau and technical problems, these may take longer for investigation and resolution
A complaint may be registered with the Consumer Protection Department at CBUAE when the matter has been dealt with by the bank, but remains unresolved.
Online Banking
To register:
- Download the Citi Mobile app from www.citibank.ae/mobile or
- Visit www.Citibank.ae and set up your user ID and password through Citibank.ae/register
The user ID and login is the same on Citi Mobile app and Citi Online. Got a question, visit Citi Mobile or Citibank Online and click to view our FAQs.
Call our 24-hour CitiPhone Banking Services:
- Citigold clients : +971 4 311 4653
- All others : +971 4 311 4000
- For payment related discussions, call our Collection Department on +971 4 408 5499 from 9AM to 6PM except public holidays and Sundays. Our Friday working hours are 9AM to 12PM and from 3PM to 6PM