Commercial Bank Of Dubai P.J.S.C USA

We offer products and channels that ensure that we are able to meet our clients’ various requirements

We value our relationships through established SWIFT arrangements with nearly 1,000 correspondent banks from more than 86 countries. We are committed to continued growth in the field of correspondent banking.

Account Relationships

Nostro account relationships in different currencies provide banking services to our clients where we do not have a physical presence.

CBD maintains a large number of Nostro/Vostro accounts with carefully selected leading banking institutions in different currencies that facilitate fund transfer/trade/treasury/foreign currency drafts and investment banking solutions, import/export letters of credit and collection documents for our clients.

Vostro accounts enable us to make quick and efficient settlements via book transfers for our clients.

Trade Finance

  • Facilitation of Letters of CreditThrough our global correspondent banking partners, CBD facilitates Import/Export Letters of Credit, Collection Documents, and Fund Transfers, among others, for our clients. 
  • Issuance of Local and  Overseas GuaranteesThrough the strong and vast correspondent banking relationships, CBD facilitates the issuance of local and overseas Guarantees:
    • Bid-Bond
    • Advance Payment
    • Performance
    • Retention
    • Financial
  • Risk ParticipationCBD actively participates in funded and unfunded risk participation with close relationship banks under the Master Risk Participation Agreements (MRPA).

Memorandum of Understanding (MOU)

We have entered into a number of strategic tie-ups with prime correspondent banks globally, cooperating on client referrals, investments, and joint banking facilities for our clients.

Cross-Border Financing

CBD cooperates with banks and financial institutions in cross-border financing, mainly in Trade Finance and Corporate Financing.

Arab Trade Financing Program (ATFP)

CBD enjoys an agreement (Line of Credit) with ATFP to facilitate and enhance inter-Arab Trade Finance.

Customised Global Banking Services

At the request of our clients, CBD facilitates customised banking services and solutions through our global correspondent banking partners.