The Financial Services Authority through the Decree of the Board of Commissioners (KDK) Number KEP-15 /D.05/2021 dated 12 March 2021 concerning Dissolution of the Citibank NA Pension Fund, Indonesia, dissolved the Citibank NA Pension Fund, Indonesia , having its address at Citibank Tower Floor 7, Jalan Jend, Sudirman Kav. 54-55 South Jakarta 12190, starting from 31 December 2020 .The dissolution of the Citibank NA, Indonesia
Pension Fund was carried out at the request of the Founder of the Citibank NA, Indonesia Pension Fund , namely the Head of Citibank NA, Indonesia, for reasons of efficiency and effectiveness, so that the administration of the Pension Program was transferred to the Financial Institution Pension Fund.The decision also established the
Citibank NA Pension Fund
Liquidation Team , Indonesia , as follows:
- Mutiarawaty (Chairman); and
- Vanessa Aurelia (Member)
by address:Pacific Century PlaceCitibank Tower Floor 9 – SCBD Lot 10Jalan Jend. Sudirman Kav. 52-53Senayan Village – Kebayoran BaruSouth Jakarta Telephone (021) 52908013
The Financial Services Authority urges Participants of the Citibank NA, Indonesia Pension Fund to remain calm because the Participant’s funds will be transferred to the Financial Institution Pension Fund by fulfilling the applicable regulations.