LEI (Legal Entity Identifier) is an international identifier assigned to distinct legal entities that engage in financial transactions. LEI increases the transparency of the financial system, allowing the authorities to improve market surveillance and businesses to reduce counterparty risk. Knowing LEI allows getting registration details of the legal entity, its ownership structure, and its family tree.
LEI’s structure is defined in ISO 17442. An LEI consists of 20 alpha-numeric characters where:
- characters 1-4 identify the LEI issuer (Local Operating Units or LOU),
- characters 7-18 are the entity identifier, i.e. the code generated and assigned by the LOU,
- characters 19-20 are the verification ID (checksum).
LEI of Deutsche Bank AG and its components are shown in the table below.
LOU Identifier | 7LTW |
Reserved | FZ |
Entity Identifier | YICNSX8D621K |
Verification ID | 86 |