Deutsche Securities Saudi Arabia (DSSA) is a closed joint stock company with paid capital of SAR (532,235,500) incorporated in 2007G under the Commercial Register Number: (1010239773), the registered office is at Faisaliah Tower, 17th floor, King Fahad Road – Al Olaya District Riyadh, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia P.O. Box 301806.
DSSA is a subsidiary of Deutsche Bank AG [95% owned by Deutsche Bank AG and 5% owned by DB Capital Markets (Deutschland) GMBH].
Deutsche Securities Saudi Arabia (DSSA) is authorized by the Capital Market Authority of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia with a license number (No. 37-07073) to conduct the following business activities: Dealing, Arranging, Advising, and Custody activities. DSSA obtained its license in 4/7/2007G and start commencing of business in 12/1/2008G.
DSSA offers dealing in the Saudi equities market (Tadawul), custody of clients’ assets, advisory in corporate finance and investment banking as well as provide wealth management services.
Saudi Arabia, Riyadh Branch
Deutsche Bank AG Riyadh Branch
Faisaliah Tower, 17th floor
King Fahad Road – Al Olaya District
P.O. Box 301806
Riyadh 11372, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
Phone: +966 11 273-9700
Fax: +966 11 273-9777
Deutsche Securities Saudi Arabia LLC
Faisaliah Tower, 17th floor
King Fahad Road – Al Olaya District
P.O. Box 301806
Riyadh 11372, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
Phone: +966 11 273-9700
Fax: +966 11 273-9777
Website: Click Here