Industrial & Commercial Bank Of China Ownership

The Industrial and Commercial Bank of China (ICBC) is a joint-stock commercial bank based in the People’s Republic of China. Founded in 1984, ICBC overtook Citi to become the world’s largest bank by asset value in 2007, a position it retained in 2019. ICBC has expanded its operations outside of China through mergers and acquisitions, as well as registering branch offices in foreign countries. In 2007, ICBC acquired PT. Bank Indonesia and Heng Seng Bank, as well as a 20% stake in Standard Bank of South Africa. It also set up offices in Russia, Dubai, Doha, Sydney and New York.

Headquarters55 Fuxingmennei Avenue, Xicheng District10032 BeijingChina
CEO/chairChen Siqing
Chairman and Executive Director
SupervisorChina Banking and Investment Regulatory Commission (CBIRC)
Annual reportsCSR Report 2020
Annual report 2020
Ownershiplisted on Hong Kong Stock Exchange & Shanghai Stock ExchangeThe Chinese government owns via Central Huijin Investment 34.71% of ICBC shares. ICBC’s complete shareholder structure can be accessed here.
Complaints and grievancesIndustrial and Commercial Bank of China does not operate a complaints channel for individuals and communities that may be adversely affected by its finance.