ESG bonds can be largely categorized into project-based structures and target-based structures.
Project-based structures, which include green bonds, social bonds, or sustainability bonds, require the issuer to finance specific projects.
Target-based structures, including sustainability-linked bonds, incentivizes the issuer to achieve higher ESG standards across the business.”
Hana Financial Group is a financial institution that supports the growth of various entities of our society, including households, enterprises, and the government, and incorporates Environmental (E), Social (S), and Governance (G) considerations across its businesses.
Hana Financial Group places top priority on sustainability as it offers financial products and services based on its capabilities and generates synergy in each sector of finance for the happiness of all stakeholders.
Platform-building, global banking, and ESG financing are the Group’s three major growth strategies.
Its sustainable financing framework promotes the sustainable growth of all stakeholders, especially customers, collaborators, and local communities, and seeks to contribute to strengthening the sustainability of Korea’s socioeconomic structure.
The Hana Financial Group’s Sustainable Finance Framework (“the Framework”) sets out our methodology for classifying financing as sustainable and serves as the basis for tracking and disclosing our performance against our commitments. We are committed to being transparent about our definitions and approach.
Scope: Applies to all Hana Financial Group businesses globally.
Application: This Framework is designed to enable the classification and tracking of performance against our existing sustainable commitments.
External standards: Hana Financial Group is a participant in or signatory to the following principles to help guide our approach to lending, investing, and other financing decisions.
- Equator Principles
- Partnership for Carbon Accounting Financials
- Task force for Climate-related Financial Disclosures
- UN Principles for Responsible Banking