KEB Hana Bank Netherlands

Hana Financial Group offers ample opportunities for all employees to realize their dreams and helps customer expand their assets and grow their businesses, building its presence as a financial institution that does its utmost to contribute to establishing a prosperous society and maximizing shareholder value.

Contact Us

Business hours

MON – FRI, 8:30 AM ~ 5:00 PM

Tel. +31-20-546-9377

Fax. +31-20-546-9399


Email. [email protected]


Every weekend (Saturday, Sunday)
New Year’s Day (1st, January)
Good Friday (14th, April)
Easter Monday (17th, April)
King’s Day (27th, April)
Ascension Day (25th, May)
Whit Monday (5th, June)
Christmas Day (25th December)
Boxing Day (26th, December)


3rd Floor, Diana Noord (Diana and Vesta) Herikerbergweg 310-312,
1101CT Amsterdam, The Netherlands