National Bank Of Kuwait New York

NBK set up a branch in New York in 1984 as part of its initial strategy to capture investment and trade flows with Kuwait and to service Kuwaiti customers and provide convenient and secure locations for their deposits, for expenses when traveling in the USA or for longer-term investment security. The branch has since widened its customer base to include government agencies, investment companies, financial institutions, oil companies and banks from around the Arab world.

Today, NBK New York, which is based in Park Avenue, offers its customers a comprehensive range of wholesale and treasury services as well as private banking, which is mainly in the form of real estate advisory services.

NBK New York provides online products through WITSWEB, an on-line banking platform for corporate customers that utilizes sophisticated encryption to provide secure communications over the Internet. As part of its trade finance activities, New York provides expert advice and customized financing to major North American construction and engineering contractors working on large scale infrastructure, defense and oil-related projects in Kuwait.


299 Park Avenue, 17th Floor
New York, NY 10171, USA
Tel : (+1212) 3039800
Fax : (+1212) 3198269