The BIC of the National Bank of Oman SAOG, Muscat KOM in Muscat is NBOMOMRXXXX. The abbreviation BIC stands for ‘Business Identifier Code’ (formerly ‘Bank Identifier Code’). This is an internationally standardized code for the identification of branch offices in payment transactions.
It is used by credit institutions, brokers, and similar companies worldwide, and it uniquely identifies each partner who directly or indirectly participates in payment transactions. In payment transactions, the BIC/SWIFT BIC is used in combination with an IBAN (= International Bank Account Number), whereby the BIC identifies the bank and the IBAN identifies the relevant account held there.
In turn, an IBAN consists of the following components:
- The two-character country code.
- The two-digit check digit. This is between 02 and 98. Using this check digit, a single incorrect character is always recognized, individual transposed digits are almost always recognized, and even with several errors, the recognition rate is still high.
- A character string that identifies the actual account. In most countries, this is purely numerical. This is also known as BBAN (= Basic Bank Account Number). In most countries, this is the bank code and the account number.