What is the IBAN?
IBAN stands for International Bank Account Number. It is the ISO 13616 international standard for bank account numbers. The IBAN facilitates the communication and processing of payment transactions.
The IBAN is an international standard for identifying bank accounts (excluding credit cards). The main purpose of IBAN is to facilitate the automatic processing of money transfers, to improve the speed and accuracy of your payment transactions.
As per circular no 4305/2011, the UAE Central Bank is introducing the IBAN in the UAE with effect from 19 November 2011. This is a major initiative benefiting clients of all banks in the UAE
The main benefit is that IBAN should provide you with quicker processing of your fund’s transfer. Since banks are required to check the accuracy of the IBAN at the point of initiating a fund transfer, they can only make the funds transfer that carries the correct IBAN.
How can I get my IBAN?
We will send you the equivalent IBAN for every account you hold with us by 01 November . You will also see your equivalent ΙΒΑΝ on your bank statement.