Open your SB account at your convenience without the need to visit the Bank Branch. This is an end-to-end online account opening process through Video KYC. This is a full fledge KYC account for all your Banking needs.
“Click Here” to open your account through V-KYC now.
Open online Savings Account using Video KYC (V-KYC) : Introduction
Digital transformation is the new path to deliver ease of banking, and Bank of Baroda has been pioneering digital adoption in its products and processes with an objective to deliver seamless customer on-boarding experience and engagement. The bank has implemented video KYC process as an alternate and easier method of establishing the customer’s identity for customer onboarding. Customers can now open a bank account by identifying themselves using the video KYC process.
Our Online Savings Account opening using Video KYC for Customer Identification Process (V-CIP) is a 100 % paperless, digitally enabled self-assisted Online Account Opening Journey for the customers. One can avail the video KYC account opening process from the Bank of Baroda website using a Mobile Phone, l-pad, Laptop or a Personal Computer. Bank of Baroda video KYC uses Aadhar based OTP to authenticate the customer.
Open online Savings Account using Video KYC (V-KYC) : Eligibility
- Only Tax Resident Indian Individuals aged 18 and above can open this account.
- It is available only to New to Bank (NTB) customers as there is a dedupe check in the system and existing customers cannot open their account.
- The customer should not be a politically exposed person.
- Account can be opened in single name and operated by self only.
- The customer should not be lunatic and blind.
Open online Savings Account using Video KYC (V-KYC) : Mandatory Requirements
- Aadhaar Number
- PAN Number
- Valid Mobile Number Registered with Aadhaar
- Valid E-mail Id
- Internet Enabled Device – Mobile, TAB, Laptop (preferably mobile)
- Web cam enabled Desktop with Microphone system
Open online Savings Account using Video KYC (V-KYC) : Prerequisites for Video based KYC
- Original PAN
- Original Aadhaar Card.
- A White sheet of Paper and Blue Ball pen.
- The device (Mobile/TAB/Laptop/Desktop) should be internet enabled with good internet speed.(preferably mobile)
Open online Savings Account using Video KYC (V-KYC) : Account Opening Journey
The account opening journey is divided into 7 sections namely:
- Basic Details
- Aadhaar and PAN
- Verification of details and branch selection.
- Personal Details
- Nominee Details
- Additional Services
- Application Preview
As and when the customer completes the above mentioned sections the Account Opening progress bar will display the percentage of process completed.
Please find below Sections wise details:
SECTION-1: Basic Details
The customer will be prompted to fill
- Email id
- Email id is authenticated using a verification link sent on his email id.
- Mobile No Registered with Aadhaar
- Customer’s Mobile no is authenticated using the 6 digit OTP sent on his mobile.
The customer will be prompted to click the hyperlink of FATCA declaration, General Terms and Conditions, CKYC declarations and give explicit consent.
Please note that system will trigger the request for AML in the backend. Account Opening request of Customer whose credentials are reflecting in the restricted list will be regretted with an error message “please visit your nearest Branch for account opening”.
SECTION-2: Aadhaar and PAN
Customer will be prompted to enter
- PAN No which is validated real time with records of NSDL.Failure in validation will discontinue the account opening journey.
- Aadhaar No.
- Customer is prompted to
- Give consent for OTP based authentication.
- Authorize Bank for fetching details of Aadhaar from UADAI for Account Opening.
- Customer is prompted to enter 6 digit OTP received from UADAI on his mobile number which is linked with Aadha
- In case the mobile number is not linked with the Aadhaar Number, system will not allow the customer to proceed further and display an error stating Aadhaar not linked to mobile
- Any mismatch in name as per PAN and Aadhaar will not allow the customer to proceed further and error will be displayed as “ Name Mismatch”
SECTION-3: Verfication of details and branch selection
- Customer photo as well as demographic details like Name, Gender, Date of Birth, and Address is populated on the screen.
- The address in his/her Aadhaar will be used as permanent and communication address.
- Nearest branch will be displayed for selection to the customer as per the customer PIN code mentioned in the Aadhaar address.
- Scheme details will be displayed as per the scheme selected by the customer from the Banks Website
SECTION-4 Personal Details
Customer is Prompted to enter the following personal details
- Fathers name
- Mothers name
- Mothers Maiden Name
- Religion
- of Dependents
- Disability
- Place of Birth
- Education
- Employment Status
- Annual Gross Income details
- Occupation
- category
- Marital status- If Marital status is selected as Married customer is prompted to fill spouse details (Name, DOB and Relationship)
Note: If the employment status is given as employed and service then the name of the organization and designation should be mandatorily obtained from the customer.
For Salary segment accounts the any of the following documents needs to be uploaded mandatorily by the customer:
- Employment letter
- EmployeeID card
- Salary slip
For Pensioners in Baroda Advantage pension Account (SB 114) PPO(Pension Payment order ) document should be mandatorily uploaded by the customer.
SECTION-5: Nominee Details
- By default the nominee option will be set as yes.
- Customer will be required to enter the following details of nominee
- Name
- Relationship to be selected from the dropdown menu.
- Address – Option is available for selecting the “address same as applicant”.
- If the nominee is Minor then Guardian details has to be submitted.
- Option is available of selecting the address of guardian “ same as of applicant.”
- If the customer does not wish to specify the nominee he/she can select for No option and proceed further.
SECTION-6: Additional Services
Customer has the choice for subscribing 5 additional Services namely:
- Mobile Banking
- Internet Banking
- Debit card
- SMS Alert
- Cheque Book
- Mobile banking MPIN will be sent to the customers registered mobile number, Customer can download the application from the link provided to the customer through message sent on his registered email id, Debit card will be sent to the customers address in T+7 working days.
- Internet banking user id will be sent to the customers registered email id for activation of the same
- UPI registration will be done in T+1 days and the UPI ID will sent to the customer on his registered mobile number.
- Cheque book
SECTION-7: Application Preview
- Before the final submission of application, customer is shown preview of the section wise details filled by the customer along with other information and photograph as populated from
- The preview section allows the customer to verify the details filled in the account opening application by the customer before final submission.
- Customer can edit the following details in the preview page without the need to go to the original page. Changes if any, made by the customer, needs to be saved before final submission of application to the Bank.
- Person Details
- Nominee Details
- Additional Services
- On final submission of the account opening application by clicking on “Submit Application” button on Preview page saving account application is submitted and the popup is shown on the screen.
- The applicant will receive URN no along with the video KYC link on his registered Mobile no and SMS and email to complete video KYC to complete account opening process.
Open online Savings Account using Video KYC (V-KYC) : Video KYC Journey
- Customer will be receiving link for selecting V-KYC slot through SMS immediately after submission of application and the customer is required to click on the link. Immediately after clicking on the link, the customer will be prompted to enter the OTP. Once he/she enters the OTP, received on his/her registered mobile number, the customer will be shown the date and time for V-KYC slot of 15 minutes. The Video KYC slots is available from only during 9 AM to 5:30 PM Mon-Fri apart from bank holiday .Once the customer selects a slot, an acknowledgement message is given that he will be receiving a call on the scheduled date and time.
- The customer will receives SMS 2 minutes before the scheduled time for V-KYC slot which contains the link to start V-KYC procedure. He has to click on the link and the video call will get connected to the Bank Agent.
- Once the video call gets connected, the Bank agent checks the genuineness of the customer by asking basic personal questions like City of Residence, Father’s name etc.
- Customer is requested to provide access for location, camera and microphone before initiating the Video KYC.
- The customer may use this functionality from any Camera and Microphone enabled Mobile/Tab/Laptop/Desktop with internet access but it is suggested that the customer should prefer to use Mobile as it generally has better camera quality than other mentioned devices.
- Customer must ensure to have good internet speed connectivity to avoid discontinuation of the video call due to bad network.
- Customer’s Selfie will be captured first and then he/she will be prompted to show his/herOriginal Pan Original Aadhaar card which will be captured by Bank Agent.
- Original Pan card –PAN card is validated from the NSDL server
- Original Aadhaar card- Aadhaar is validated by validating through OTP sent on customers registered mobile number linked to aadhar from the UIDAI server.
- Signature of the customer on a piece of blank paper
- Customer then needs to affix his signature on a white piece of paper subject to the satisfaction of the maker i.e. Bank Agent.
- Then the customer receives acknowledgement message on registered mobile number / email id which consists of Update Request Number (URN).
- Once maker completes the Video KYC, the V-KYC session is authorized / verified by the Concurrent Auditor at the BGSS. Finally, the account is created immediately after the authorization by the Concurrent Auditor.
- Welcome letter is sent to Customer on his/her registered e-mail ID which will be a Password (PAN Number) protected file. Welcome letter includes Account number, Customer ID, Customer Address, Branch details, UPI.
- M-Pin is also sent to registered mobile number upon creation of account.
- Internet banking ID and UPI Id is communicated to the customer on T+2 days on registered email ID / mobile number.
- Signatures will be uploaded on CBS.
- Welcome Kit (Debit card and Cheque Book) is delivered at the registered address within 7 days.